Jan 7, 2008

week 18

hey guys, i have been real busy with school and Christmas stuff. i got some new shoes on which i painted. and made stuffed toys for christmas presents. i made more but i didnt take photos of all of them yet.


Emily said...

I love my little critter! he's perched on a small pile of lacy black bras that need sewing machine time, right next to a lap where my leeloo wig lives on the shelf by the big window. i'll lj post some pix whenever i get my camera back from a borrowin' friend. thank you!!!

Daron Leah Nefcy said...

sweet shoes!!!!!

Arica Tuesday said...

Jesus, I want to marry that pink duck dino! All your stuff is so friggin rockin', I swear.

Dood, can't find me on facebook! Teh buu. Here's a link!



Jennifer Harlow said...

Hey Noel!

Hope the perfume breath is still as fresh as ever. ;)
